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mists are gathering, bold and large
entrapping an electric charge
but paused before the squall i wait
suspended in a restless state
a distant echo rings at length
a quickening, a show of strength

an eye, incisive, cold and blue
a shockwave through the things i do
ideas that cut a wind blown rift
into the wishful wonder drift
as reckless notions start to form
alone against the rippling storm

the skies emit a flashing arc
and into darkness flies the spark
a fiery turmoil builds within
and tides of waking sound begin
the lightening power of a glance
the thunder strumming finger dance

the storm must break, and in the end
the tension ease, the damage mend
the sky has its dividing line
what's yours is yours and mine is mine
the rift is deep and long and wide
and life's a solitary ride

ray cologon
march 1994


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PO Box 20, Dallas, Victoria, Australia 3047

© 1994 Ray Cologon
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Site created and managed by NightWing Enterprises using FileMaker Pro.
Ray Cologon is a provider of FileMaker custom programming,
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