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  winter seed

on the road i see...
the light child with her bright smiles
her firm step on the dusty miles
and her steady gaze as the haze clears
fresh with imaginings and playful ideas
and hope against hope in the winding aisles

among endless trudge
stepping through glancing shadows in the throng
straining for the remembrance of song
walks the youth with the thoughtful gaze
flame against the dark of the earth's malaise
quiet observer of the weakness of the strong

movement passes on
for the moment of stillness is broken
and words of haste and need are spoken
all must stray and none may stay
the urgent day make way make way
the enmity of time is woken

the die is cast
the canopy of dusk is high
glacial multitudes pass icy by
surging, milling, wending away
numb to the chill of the day
blind to the deepening sky

i hold the memory
so that all is as it was before
the pathway to the open door
the whispers of the silken breeze
an archway through the ashen trees
a seed of hope to grow once more

ray cologon
june 2004


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PO Box 20, Dallas, Victoria, Australia 3047

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Ray Cologon is a provider of FileMaker custom programming,
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