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nothing's ever fully clear
ever reaches us inside
outlook changes with the year
thoughts and feelings with the tide

is it always
love or spite
day or night
black or white
is all that we see

though we study all we find
still the world remains unreal
all our memories are entwined
all we know is what we feel

must we talk of
depth and height
dark and light
wrong and right
must it always be

ray cologon
december 1979


site maintained by
NightWing Enterprises
PO Box 20, Dallas, Victoria, Australia 3047

© 1979 - 2025 Ray Cologon
Please Report any problems with this site to: webmaster@raycologon.com

Site created and managed by NightWing Enterprises using FileMaker Pro.
Ray Cologon is a provider of FileMaker custom programming,
FileMaker consulting and FileMaker Pro Developer services.

NightWing Enterprises is a division of   d a r k s k y   m e d i a