morning wonder

though morning wonder keeps us here
the day is often slow
then pain will swell deep in our hearts
and dull resentment grow
beneath the smiles that are our lives
we're numb, unmoving still
we through our eyes still gaze, our minds
across our window sill
before our lives when all was sleep
or all that we recall
we had no thoughts but dreamed perhaps
until we climbed the wall
into this garden of our souls
where dreams all seem so true
perhaps inside we're sleeping still
who knows - not me nor you
the minds, the faces are not real
the lines come from a play
the feeling comes that's gone before
not knowing anyway...
but then before we woke and cried
were we contained, confined;
or were we of the sky itself
all ghostly, undefined
yet war and human instincts reign
and rally to destroy
new methods, weapons, all we know
are all that we employ
to bring ourselves a darkening dream
warm peace of soul and mind
that we believe is our reward
for what we leave behind
if it can be achieved by death
from wars, the gun, the sword...
for what good reason do we dream
of peace as our reward
ray cologon
july 1975